Sunday, January 19, 2020

Never Say Never

Before going any further, I need to give credit to someone who's been one of my biggest supporters. I always say he was my first and favorite art teacher. He's also the artist who created the beautiful farm scene above. My dad, known to most of you as Gary Ross. Before I was born, he used to do commissioned paintings, mostly on slate. I've been told he put painting aside because of me, because he wanted to be the best daddy possible. When my little brother and I were older, he got into building doll & birdhouses, benches and other furniture made from barn wood. We went to craft shows, he had a booth in Lancaster and Logan, was featured in the Logan paper... he was busy and successful. But at some point, he was just done. I heard him say many times he'd "never" paint or build anything for sale again. We'd all say sure - we didn't want to believe him, but he wouldn't budge. It made me sad. I didn't understand why he wouldn't want to use his gift. Then, several years later, I got a booth in the Olde Shoe Factory. I called him just before making the final say. He sort of laughed when asked if I should do it - "Seems like you and your mother have it figured out. Go for it!" He said he'd help me. And he did. He built and put up walls and fabric, donated a white shelf (actually, all the shelves in my booth now), and painted a table for me. The table sold fast. I had a white cupboard that was beyond repair. He used all the parts to build shelves and a few other pieces. They sold. Next month, when I was offered a larger space, I took it. My parents moved in to my old spot. That is the official moment he became a vendor again. So much for "never," right? He embraced it, and began painting furniture, building and repurposing thrift store finds. It wasn't long before he'd expanded, and is now in a large corner booth full of larger antique & vintage furniture, signs, wall-hangings... and paintings. He's had a lot of success, and made a name for himself yet again. He seems more fulfilled - happier, because he's doing something he was created to do! So. Here we are 5 years down the road, and my dad's never stopped helping me. Sometimes I'll find a side table or mirror, or dresser. I've called many times to ask... is this a good buy, can you fix it, do you have space in your truck for it... The furniture in my booth is quality because he's made sure of it. Goal - to learn more from him in this area!

Last spring, I decided to sell my paintings. You can see a few examples above. It's nerve wracking putting your own art out there! I sent him progress pics, and he gave me suggestions, or said he could tell my technique was improving. My paintings sold, and I even had requests for more! Honestly, sometimes I wish I could paint or build the way Dad does. Sometimes I think I'll "never" be able to do this or that. What I know for sure is I've gotta keep painting. Keep creating. Believe in myself and use my own gifts. … And never say never!


  1. Never give up! The only way to hone a gift(for God's glory) is to use it even though we are often tempted to give up (by the tempter) right? I find it the same with poetry! I want more, I want better, to honour the Giver of the gift! Your paintings are gorgeous! Seems like you are a perfect example of using the talents given and turning them into more talents! It's been such a pleasure to be partaker of the beauty you share even if I don't comment that often. God bless you and your dad!

    1. Janet, I am so thankful we met through blogging! Our conversations through comments have always been such a source of encouragement - including now - thank you!! You have such an amazing talent for writing, and I admire you continuing on faithfully, honoring God. I don't comment nearly as much as I should - know that you & your words are often in my thoughts as well. Blessings, dear friend!

  2. Beautifully stated Megan! God has truly blessed our family with special gifts. It is so awesome to see you, your dad and your brother putting them to use.

    1. Yes, God has blessed our family - including you - with gifts! As we talked about yesterday, some are just more "visible" than others. You see beauty in things others pass by, and have created a beautiful, cozy, loving home. You're also just a huge part of how I am - where I am today. So glad you're my mom. Love you!


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.”

~ Mother Teresa