Saturday, January 18, 2020

A New Beginning

This reminds me of the day my mom said, "It's time. Ask about getting a booth." Maybe there wouldn't be an opening. Maybe it really wasn't the right time. I hesitantly walked up to the counter.  "Any booths available?" There was... a small one for about $50. It could be mine in just a few days. When asked what I'd have to offer, I replied, "Just trust me, it'll be good." Honestly, I didn't have a list of exactly what I would find. Didn't know what exactly I'd make. Somehow, with my mom's encouragement, I knew I'd figure it out. Fortunately, my response was good enough. That day, I became a booth owner. Glad I didn't put it off any longer.

This quote also represents the way I'm feeling now. January, my birth month - it's synonymous with new beginnings. I've been thinking about updating my booth, but wasn't sure exactly where to begin. One day, I just decided - enough! I began by creating a Facebook page, then this blog. My goal is to be more connected with customers and share more of what I've learned as a vendor.

Do I know exactly what this will look like? How often I'll post? Nope. Somehow I just know this is the next step I need to take. I hope you'll stop back to see how it's going.

Until then, thanks for stopping by!

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“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.”

~ Mother Teresa